
Winter food yayyyyy! Goodbye salad, the carbs are coming! Start building up your body’s winter insulation with this Moussaka using a recipe from BBC Food.


There was no particular reason I used this recipe over any others. I generally trust the BBC recipes and it was the first one to come up on the Google search. I followed the recipe exactly and was pretty pleased with the result. It doesn’t require too many things that you wouldn’t have at home already either. The only additions I had to make besides the fresh ingredients were the bay leaves and dried mint. 

I used a mandoline to slice the potato but the texture of the aubergine was turning to smush in the blade, so I just used a knife. In hindsight, I have no idea why I decided to slice the aubergine length ways. It would have been so much easier to have sliced them in circles like the potatoes. 

The recipe doesn’t state to, but I would use a whisk with the white sauce so you can easily mix the flour without getting any lumps.

My dish was massive so I only managed to get two sets of layers, not the three in the recipe, but it was fine. There was plenty sealed in under that layer of cheesy goodness! The nutmeg in the white sauce really gives it that extra winter vibe. 

10/10 to BBC Food for the recipe – detailed yet easy to follow. Mum enjoyed it, and it was enough for dinner for two days.

Go get making Mousakka! If you really don’t want to, you can get a pretty good one here

Harleigh Reid
Harleigh Reid

I write about food and eat a lot.

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