Apparently I didn’t publish my best reads of August and September reads as planned, so here’s a quick cheeky tri-monthly instalment of my favourite words on the Internet.
“Empowering my ass” by Gaby Del Valle via The Outline
I’m starting with my absolute favourite, so if you only read one piece from this post let it be this. The world has gone into self-care and female empowerment over drive, and I’m so here for it, but suddenly everything is THE item or service that will help you love yourself, and give you the drive you need to take over the whole world!
There’s money to be made in marketing products as inherently “empowering” instead of as tools women can use to fix problems society tells them they have.
Amen sister.
Companies want you to buy their shit, and they’re happy to trick you into thinking consumerism is a form of self-expression to do so.

There’s nothing wrong with wearing lipstick or buying a Kardashian-branded bodysuit because it makes you feel good — but there is nothing revolutionary about it, either.
‘The rise of London’s cookbook clubs‘ by Clare Finney via Foodism
This was published earlier in the year but Foodism tweeted it in September when I discovered it. The article starts with a story I’m very familiar with; the life of a compulsive cookbook buyer. It goes on to give an insight into some of the most sought after cookbook club members spots including Angela Clutton’s Borough Market cookbook club where members are invited to cook a dish from a particular book, bring it along and share with the group.
She called it a cookbook club “because that was the easiest way to put a handle on it,” she continues, “but the object really was to gather people in a room and let them talk food.”
I love the social aspect of cooking and eating so cookbook clubs sound like the exact event I’d love… or love to host. The Small Slice Cookbook Club?
‘Celebrating 100 Episodes of Ctrl Alt Delete‘ by Emma Gannon
I’m a huge Emma Gannon fangirl and have listened to most of the episodes of her podcast ‘Ctrl Alt Delete’. Having recently started a podcast of my own, I know how hard it is to do. The hours of preparation, recording an editing that go into making just 45 minutes of content. To celebrate her 100th episode, Emma shared 7 top tips for creating a podcast as well as a very special podcast episode!
No-one is responsible for shouting about anything for you – it’s up to you! If you want to say “WOO HOO” about something then do it.
‘Two Women Put On The UK’s First Ever Black Girl Festival And People Absolutely Loved It‘ by Victoria Sanusi via BuzzFeed
There we were: a line three or four-people thick down the block. One hundred meters packed with black, beautiful women. I was talking to so many women in the queue it was marvellous and inspiring.
After queuing for an hour and a half, I made my way into the ‘UK’s First Ever Black Girl Festival’ last weekend. Victoria accurately describes the atmosphere and event. For their first event, Paula and Nicole did an amazing job at encouraging so many incredible creatives to come out of the shadows and showcase their services and wares. The event has a lot of room to improve and grow and I can’t wait to see what they decided to do with it next!